::   The launch of the second training of trainers program in Libya

"new vision international" is a company was founded in early 2005 and launched via the World Wide Web in August of the same year, and the main concentrated activity of the company is : education and training, employment, and e-marketing  as well as the sale of computer software and design web pages and electronic trading via the World Wide Web....     "new vision international" Entrenched it's pillars on solid foundations so dependent on the expertise, credibility, strong correct breakthrough  and contemporary technology investment effectively and presented in a simple and fun for all participants. ...
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Be a skillful listener ...
Not limited to the skill of the modern style of speech and the quality of its content .. Indeed, good listening is an art of arts dialogue, and how people spoke and they do not want to have dialogue that, but who want to listen to them Abouhoa......
Amnesty .............. d. Ayed Al-Qarni
A person should be issued every night a general amnesty before going to sleep for both the abused him throughout the day, a word or an article or the absence or cursing or any kind of harm, and in this way you will gain rights of internal security......
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